Dylan Thomas: Clown in the Moon


Tickets Full: £14
Concessions: £12

Performance Time 8.15pm

CLOWN IN THE MOON (the title of a poem written when Dylan Thomas was 14) is a dramatic portrait of the poet’s chaotic, frequently hilarious, and all too brief life. Located in a BBC studio, it sets some of Dylan’s famous broadcasts and iconic works alongside vivid reminiscences of his clownish antics in pubs, bars and parties, and his encounters with a host of eccentric and volatile women. Directed by Gareth Armstrong (Shylock) Written by Gwynne Edwards (Burton) – Rhodri Miles (Eastern Promises, Atlantis, Game of Thrones) returns to the stage to play Dylan Thomas – after his recent acclaimed tour of the award winning show Burton.

“ Fantastic, the whole audience was in the palm of his hand from beginning to end” ««««« Edinburgh Guide
