Lovingly ripped off from the classic film comedy “Monty Python and the Holy Grail,” “SPAMALOT” retells the legend of King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table, following them on their quest for the Holy Grail. On their journey they encounter strange places, even stranger characters, a bevy of showgirls, cows, killer rabbits, and French people. A hilarious comedy any age can enjoy! So come see this very, very funny musical comedy. It’s a must see!
July 15th – 22nd – The JADC are proud to produce Spamalot under the direction of Ian de Gruchy as the summer show – a must watch for fun and laughter.
Book and lyrics by
Music by
Eric Idle
John Du Prez & Eric Idle
A new musical lovingly ripped off from the film “Monty Python and the Holy Grail”
From the original screenplay by Graham Chapman, John Cleese, Terry Gilliam, Eric Idle, Terry Jones, Michael Palin Original Broadway Production produced by Boyett Ostar Productions, The Shubert Organization, Arielle Tepper Madover, Stephanie McClelland/Lawrence Horowitz, Elan V McAllister/Allan S. Gordon, Independent Producers Network, Roy Furman, GRS Associates, Jam Theatricals, TGA Entertainment, and Clear Channel Entertainment
“Monty Python’s SPAMALOT” is presented through special arrangement with and all authorized performance materials are supplied by Theatrical Rights Worldwide (TRW), 1180 Avenue of the Americas, Suite 640, New York, NY 10036.